Although Adam Lanza is personally
responsible for what happened at Sandy Hook, we are all complicit in the
By Dean Kalahar
The question you hear most often in regards to the Sandy Hook shootings
is “why?’ The usual linear “intentional causation” analysis as to why Adam
Lanza became a killer is inadequate and intellectually lazy. This horrendous
crime can’t be explained away simply by blaming guns, video games, or
disabilities. If we truly want to honor the fallen, a systemic approach into
the causes of the crime is necessary and may offer clarity, solace, and hope.
Nature played a vital role in the temperament of Adam Lanza. His unique
biology created a human with developmental disabilities; possibly including Asperger’s,
Autism, and anti-social personality disorder. Hallucinations & delusions
must have also lived in Lanza’s psychotic mind. The gunman was in all
likelihood, void of conscience or empathy and had great trouble with neurological
processing. If he was “brilliant,” handicaps were a part of the package.
Nurture also played a role in the creation of the killer. The parental environment
from birth to age 5 molded his neuroses where critical periods of development were
impaired. The impact of divorce on worth was devastating. Teaching a disabled
child how to use a gun, and allowing violent adult video games, spawned a set
of learned behaviors that lead to tragic results. Poverty was not at play as
the mother and her son lived in luxury. God only knows what happened in that
Society also offered a more subtle influence to Adam Lanza. Institutional
decline since the 1960’s has removed the social constraints once taken for
granted. The family institution has eroded the nuclear unit. Illegitimacy, divorce,
“children’s rights,” feminism, parental negligence, and loss of values all
weigh in on violence.
Religion’s role has been all but removed from society; replaced with a secular
humanism of ego-centric narcissism. The community and church no longer act as co-parents
watching out for all children and keeping them on track.
The education institution was destroyed by the self esteem movement, “student
rights,” a lack of discipline, progressive education ideology, and a non-judgmental
philosophy that says “anything goes.”
Lastly, the government has become an overpowering absentee nanny that
offers a welfare culture of specific rules and laws that attempt to define
freedom and create equality of results at the cost of losing personal
The media is also a part of cultural decline, providing violent movies & television shows;
while the 24 hour news cycle endlessly promotes criminals. Hollywood embraces morally
corrupt anti-social behavior to boost celebrity status at the cost of human
decency, decorum, class, and the golden rule. They willingly defined deviancy
downward, coarsened language, desensitized, and embraced deindividuation.
Modern technology (internet, social networks, and cell phones) have
created a situation where we communicate more but talk less. We no longer look
people in the eyes. We have de-humanized interpersonal relationships; and hide
behind screens, becoming ever more emboldened malcontents that lash out without
the fear of accountability.
Although we have always been a nation of weapons, we have embraced a culture
of violence. The six shooter and western rifle has been replaced with Pacino’s
“little friend.” Rap lyrics aimed at killing “pigs” combined with ever more
vivid video games, (where the word violent no longer can adequately define the
carnage) embrace an alternative reality which has warped the brains of our youngest
children. The “boob tube” generation set the stage for the video game to eat
our children whole.
Lastly, we have chosen to ignore the fact that just under the surface
of man is a barbaric animal that is susceptible to the darkest force of human
nature, EVIL. Far too many in our therapeutic society of gum drops and lollipops,
refuse to accept the brutal fact of man’s nature and the history of his actions
against his fellow man. We must stop believing man is good because he does
All together, these factors created a neural, environmental, social,
institutional, and cultural concoction of evil derangement, and destruction in
the life and mind of Lanza. One can hope this recipe was a one-time event, but
sadly, the cocktail has been served all too often as of late.
Nobody should say they are surprised the tragedy occurred, just that it
happened at Sandy Hook. Because, truth be known, this could happen anywhere. And
nobody should say that any one of the singular causes can be focused on in
order to fix the problem our nation has with unspeakable immoral violence.
Although Adam Lanza is personally responsible for what happened at
Sandy Hook, we are all complicit in the tragedy. We have allowed our society to
devolve, and in doing so, have removed the cultural constraints that at one
time inhibited this type of behavior. We are all torn apart by the senseless
murder because our social fabric has been torn apart.
As we mourn the death of the children and their teachers at Sandy Hook,
it’s time we, as a nation of individuals, look in the mirror and make some major
changes to the way conduct our lives.
Very well stated Sir. Thank you for writing & publishing this.